Anyone can have spiritual impact

Luke 3:1–20


John the Baptist’s assignment was to prepare the way for the Messiah (3:4). Notice the main elements of his message—a call to repentance and a challenge to produce fruit, all in preparation for the coming of the Christ (3:7-14). In the end, John devoted his life to the higher purpose of humbly pointing people to Jesus (3:15-17; John 3:27- 36). You may not be a prophet or a preacher, but you can still have a big impact for God by letting your words and actions point others toward Jesus.

1. Your Spiritual Impact Can Begin in Your Family remember, John is Jesus’ Cousin
2. It Can Influence the Witness of Those Around You, Jesus’ message reflects John’s (3:7-14; Luke 11:37-54)
3. It Can Point Others to Jesus John testifies to Jesus (3:22-36)
4. It Can Be Greater Than You Think With faith, we’ll do great things for God (Matthew 17:20)
God wants to use you for his purposes right where you are.
Let’s pray
Lord God, sometimes I feel like ‘a voice calling in the desert’. But with your help, I’ll stand up for you in my family, work and community.


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