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Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church.

This week we start a new series titled “The book of Colossians” 

A devotional study of the Bible, chapter by chapter and verse by verse, has the potential for bringing great blessings into the lives of those who participate.

These messages from Colossians will take us from now through to the end of the year on Thursday nights.

Today we are talking about The Foundation For Life.

The world is going through a tough time.

Many people are questioning the very foundation of life.

The letter to the Colossian church was also written in a time of turmoil.

The whole first century world was facing the turmoil of faith and the facts of life under Roman domination.

The church was also in turmoil.

Teachers had infiltrated the Colossian church with doctrines that threatened their understanding of the original gospel message.

Specifically, the church was threatened by the teaching known as Gnosticism.

This was a philosophy based on the knowledge of “the knowing ones,” who taught a dualism between flesh and spirit.

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Gary Hoban

Refinery Life Church Australia

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