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Good evening everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church.

Every believer needs to know what the Bible says about spiritual issues.

For the next three months, “What the Bible Says” will be the theme of the Thursday evening messages.

Today’s message is titled What the Bible Says about Stewardship.

Perhaps no area in life is more sensitive that our finances.

We may be open about every other part of our lives, but the moment someone questions us about out money or possessions, we become very defensive.

Nonetheless, some of Jesus’ most pertinent parables and teachings are about the stewardship of our possessions.

Jesus knows the joy that awaits believers when they train the level of commitment where they completely surrender all they have to god, including the stewardship of their possessions.

Luke 12:13-34 contains one of Jesus’ clearest commentaries on stewardship.

He began by using a parable to illustrate the truth He wanted to drive home.

This particular story was precipitated by an incident that arose between two brothers.

Evidently their father had died, and one brother was not pleased with the way the estate had been divided.

He asked Jesus, “Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me.”

Then note verse 15, “He said unto them.”

No doubt the disciples and the crowd listened carefully to Jesus, but He likely directed His remarks specifically to these brothers.

First, He stated a principle, “Take heed, and beware of covetousness, for a mans life consists not in the abundance of the things he possesses.”

Then, after He had the attention of the brothers, He began to relate a story about a rich man.

Traditionally we have assumed that this man was an unbeliever who worshipped the god of materialism.

He may have been.

Or he may have been a believer, but an immature, egocentric, materialistic believer.

Until next time

Stay in the Blessings

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I really want to encourage you to be diligent with your Bible study time, because God has so much more for us than we can get from just going to church once or twice a week and hearing someone else talk about the Word.

When you spend time with God, your life will change in amazing ways, because God is a Redeemer.

Theres nothing thats too hard for Him, and He can make you whole, spirit, soul and body!

You’re important to God, and you’re important to us at

When it comes to prayer, we believe that God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you.

So whatever you’re concerned about and need prayer for we want to be here for you! Or even if you just want to say Hi, you can contact us


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Gary Hoban

Refinery Life Church Australia

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